What makes HNT unique is that there is no HNT "site". Each participant is in total control of their own contributions. There is no money being made, no administration, no rules or requirements. There is a set of guidelines, and I offer my weekly submissions as a bulletin board of sorts so that participants can tell everyone else that they've posted their HNT on their own site. By keeping things on each participants' site, visitors can then check out the blog, and decide if they want to come back during the rest of the week. HNT is as much a marketing tool as it is a creative outlet.
That's ultimately what HNT has become. A creative outlet. It is not a sex thing. Yes, there are many who post sexy pictures. But "half-nekkid" doesn't necessarily refer to the flesh. The concept of "half-nekkid" lies in the mind of the person posting the HNT. Many bloggers have used HNT to show parts of their soul, parts of their conscience, and parts of their lives. Many have used HNT to break out of whatever shells they might have found themselves living within. I have received scores of emails from people who feel liberated by being able to post pictures with a little more skin than they ever thought they would. Others have appreciated the fact that there is no "skin rule", and that they welcome the sense of community.
And "community" might describe HNT the best. I have made friends through HNT that I feel closer to than friends in "real life". With rare exception (and generally from non-HNTers), comments are overwhelmingly positive to everyone's weekly submissions. Everyone involved is aware that none of us is perfect, and that we all can use the compliments. Are they sometimes generic or gratuitous? Sure. But who cares? If someone has the guts to post a picture of themselves on the internet, then they deserve some congratulations!
HNT is a growing phenomenon. It was written about in the lifestyles section of "Business & Economy", India's most influential business and economy magazine. It's appearing at the 2006 Rogue Performance Festival in Fresno, CA. There has been a HNT party in Nashville, with others planned in the future! It has participants all across the world and it doesn't show any signs of slowing down! If HNT interests you, click on the button below to get to the "Guidelines for HNT" page. And then join in on the fun! But a warning--it gets very addicting in a short amount of time!

Last thing--feel free to leave comments here, or down below there at the very bottom of the page. I'd love to hear what you have to say!
Hey O - a friend of mine convinced me to jump onto the HNT bandwagon. Great concept, by the way! :-)
Thanks for the linkage and the comment! I will try to keep up with it:)
Up and at 'em!
I left my real comment at the bottom. You are a genius.
I like seeing all your pictures together. They are great.
Hey OS! Remember me? Yeah, I'm back... Only I'll be doing my HNT's over at the Wedding Party blog from now on.
I guess that's just how I roll.
Kisses and spanks luv :)
I need your contact email - I owe you a pic! You said on my blog that your email was on your profile, but I can only find your Yahoo ID. Thanks :)
Can you please walk me through getting on your site?
Interesting concept. I'll look into it. I like the idea of "naked" being left up to interpretation.
I LOVE the idea! Will kick off some preconceptions about the english and say...roll on HNT!
Love the profile pic too :)
Just saying hi and thanks for your nice comment...its a tough job but someone has to do it
I am so glad that I found the time to check out this HNT thingummy do dah out. I have been a regular visitor to one of your chum's sites [sorry - I didn't know you existed] and every so often this darned HNT whatchamacallit turned up. I've been visiting her site for so long now I was too embarrassed to ask.
Now I can hide my idiot status.
Thx for the info.
Hey there! Just wanted to let you know I'm joining HNT; got the link from the Lovely Lyvvie.
alrighty, no pink tanks but tweed shoes!
You have the cutest ass!
I am in the process of coming up with
some nice settings etc for my first HNT, I'm excited ;)
Can we link?
Miss O
Oh, & I'm loving the shots of you n your horn lol
I think I have to jump up on your HNT wagon :) and it is highly addictive... I've been practicing :) Enjoyed seeing your photos too! Happy HNT!
Being completely new to the HNT revolution, I have posted my first HNT pic ever! I'm not a virgin anymore, but am def a newbie! Great blog btw!
Round - 2 - Complete!
My first HNT was just uploaded on my site. Excellent and fun idea.
Looks like OS is getting some comment spam! Turn on that thing where you have to type in the letters and it should stop all that.
My HNT is up. It contains penis though (it's hardly a half naked anything, just an excuse to post filth!) so if that's not your thing then consider yourself warned. It is a very pretty black and white photo though!
My first HNT! I am so excited! Thank you for your comment! I can't wait till next week!
Hey, can anyone tell me how to do a clickety-click? Since I don't have a lot of time, please leave a how-to comment in my profile. I'm interested in doing HNT shots plus other non-HNT shots. Also, which photo "service" would you recommend (since Photobucket appears to have become prudes)? Thanks!
Nolens Volens
What a sweet man you are!
Hey Os,
I guess I've been an HNT lurker for some time now,
and i've participated for a few weeks now,
just sayin'
the HNT revolution rocks.
well done you.....
Just joined the HNT revolution!
I just posted my first HNT hope you like!
Okay! so i finaly know what ppl mean by"happy HNT" ..i googled it and came here to find out WTF HNT meant.
Newer HNT!
I have to say that Sir loves having found HNT and he has created a new household tradition of making sure I post. I have been making him happy by doing it for a few weeks now.
Thank you *winks*
i understand it now!! I love hnt!! I am soo glad may galpal turned me on to ya'll
Hey! Thanks for the comment!! I love all your HNT pics and the concept!
I will see you next Thrusday!
never heard of this before (had to google hnt to get it, lol). What a great concept!! how does one join in?
i love the idea of sharing peeks and previews... if you are in LA on June 9, come to the indigo blue strip-tease salon! and thanks for turning me on to HNTs!
Funny I should happen upon this just now. I was born on a Thursday and in three more Thursday's I will be 50. If I had a blog and someone to take a pic, I would do an HNT in honor of just that fact.
Hey Os, I was introduced to HNT by one of the bloggers I read and have been doing it for over a year now :)
OK, maybe this is the right place, but maybe it's the left place. I have no idea...
I think I followed the "guidelines" OK, but, here's the thing. It's an art blog...I openly invite folks to try their hand at art.
So, if I don't have a picture of someone else, it'll be a picture of me. And, today it is.
Just added were the three sketches of the photograph. (I like the larger pastel and the pencil ones best.)
Finding the right place to say "posted" has been the trick, eh?
Oh well. If this isn't the right place, moxnix. It'll still be a different picture next week.
I do like art and that will be the larger type entry...but...I love humor, too...so, probably shouldn't be drinking milk if you drift by.
(oh, sure...I ain't THAT funny)
is that all?
oh...no...wait a minute...something's missing...
I am so posted!
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